Soke William Durbin

Soke William Durbin

Our System

Kiyojute Ryu Kempo Bugei is a martial arts system founded in 1982 after the Tenshin Sho of William Durbin and formal recognition by the Zen Kokusai Soke Remmei.  The curriculum is a total martial arts system that includes the skills and techniques central to the Kempo concept and including the arts derived from Kempo throughout the ages.


Soke Durbin has written scores of informative articles on various aspects of Kempo and the martial arts over the course of his thirty-plus years of study, including several that were featured in Black Belt Magazine.

Covering subjects from history of the martial arts to practical applications of combat choking techniques, these articles provide a wealth of information, and many are available on the Articles Page of his site.

Additionally, Soke Durbin has published several books about martial arts, a list of which may be found here.

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